We Are Green Again

Ecology has once again been awarded the Investors in the Environment ‘Green’ accreditation, the highest level achievable, for our continued commitment to sustainability. The level of accreditation we are awarded each year is determined by our achievements in relation to green targets and our dedication to further improvements.
In 2020, we created a new role: Sustainability, Policy and Innovation Lead, showing that we remain committed to sustainability as we grow. Six new electric vehicle charging points were installed in the Ecology car park for colleagues and visitors to use free of charge. We also created a new ‘Green Team’, encouraging colleagues to take part in discussions and activities surrounding environmental themes, albeit remotely. In addition to these changes, we have seen a 63.4 tonne reduction in our carbon emissions from 2019. This is mainly as a result of colleagues working from home during the pandemic and also takes an estimate of their home energy costs into account.
We are delighted to have received this recognition again for our ongoing efforts and we look forward to further improvements in 2021.