Vote At The British Bank Awards 2022

Last year, fantastic feedback from members’ voting resulted in us being successful in the British Bank Awards for the ‘Best Ethical Financial Provider’ and ‘Treating Customers Fairly Champion’ categories.

The awards are decided by customers and recognise the best service, innovation and most trusted financial brands in the UK.

Ecology has been at the forefront of the push for positive change for more than 40 years.  Throughout we’ve been guided by our mission to build a greener society, using the transformative power of finance to support low-carbon homes and healthy communities, helping to bring the vision of a fairer more sustainable future a reality.

We put our ethical principles into practice through all our activities, from managing the environmental impact of our offices to our approach to fair pay for our staff and support for sustainable living and energy efficient buildings.

Amongst our recent accolades we were the first building society to measure the carbon impact of our lending, the first to be Fair Tax Mark accredited and the first to sign-up to the United Nations Principles for Responsible Banking. We were immensely proud to be recognised twice in the Finance for the Future awards for our sustainable financial products and climate leadership.  We’re also rated as a Best Buy for our savings and mortgages by Ethical Consumer, a rigorous independent standard ensuring that only the greenest and most ethical products are recognised.

Voting for the awards in 2022 is now open and we’d like to invite members to cast your vote and share your experience of Ecology.

How to vote

Voting is easy and only takes a moment. Just leave your feedback here letting the judges know about your experience of Ecology. What’s more, the British Bank Awards will enter you into a £1,000 prize draw for participating (T&Cs apply).

If you haven’t done so already, you will need to register with Smart Money People in order to leave your feedback and your comments will be published on their website.

The first round of voting closes on 13 March. Voting for shortlisted organisations will then be available until 4 April.

Thank you for your continued support of Ecology and the pursuit of our mission. If you have any questions, please get in touch via [email protected].

Published: 9 March 2022

Author: Chris Meadows