Members’ Newsletter December 16

The latest issue of Ecology News, the newsletter for Ecology members is now available here.

The winter 2016 issue includes a focus on the new ‘Passivhaus Goes Personal’ campaign as well as a round-up of some of our key achievements throughout the year. These include details of our Annual General Meeting and Members’ Meet-up, which we held in the spring at our Silsden office, and our first ever regional Members’ Meet-up, which we held last month in Gateshead.

We have also highlighted some of the ways we put our ethical principles into practice throughout our operations and we’re particularly proud that, this year, we became the first building society to be accredited with the Fair Tax Mark.

We’d like to take this opportunity to thank our members for all their support in 2016. It’s been another busy and successful year at Ecology as we continue to work towards our mission to build a greener society.

Ecology News – Winter 2016 N0.47

Ecology News winter 2016 front cover

Ecology News winter 2016 issue – front cover


Published: 14 December 2016

Author: Chris Meadows