We’re supporting the call by UK businesses for a green recovery.

We’ve joined more than 200 leading businesses to urge the UK Government to deliver a clean, inclusive and resilient recovery plan.

In an open letter, chief executives from a wide range of businesses across the UK, including  Ecology’s Paul Ellis, have offered support to the Government in tackling the present health crisis, and urged Prime Minister Boris Johnson to provide a clear vision for recovery efforts that align with the UK’s wider social, environmental and climate goals.

The letter, signed by 206 businesses, investors and business networks, states:

‘With the UK facing major economic and social concerns including the risk of high unemployment and rising regional inequality, we believe that an ambitious low carbon growth and environmental improvement agenda can do a lot to address these concerns, as well as make the UK economy better prepared to deal with future shocks such as those related to climate change.

‘[…] The current crisis, in moving us all away from business-as-usual, has already created shifts in how we operate, and we believe we must use the recovery to accelerate the transition to net zero. Efforts to rescue and repair the economy in response to the current crisis can and should be aligned with the UK’s legislated target of net zero emissions by 2050 at the latest.’

The signatories come from both multi-national and national businesses, across industry sectors, including energy, finance, consumer goods, retail, construction, water and communication.

The business networks supporting this initiative include The Prince of Wales’s Corporate Leaders Group (CLG), the Aldersgate Group, the UK Green Building Council (UKGBC), Business in the Community (BITC), the Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change (IIGCC) and the Climate Group.

Together they have called on the UK to deliver a clean, just recovery, that creates quality employment and builds a more sustainable, inclusive and resilient UK economy for the future.

Paul Ellis, Chief Executive, explained why we co-signed the letter,

“As we adapt to the challenging impacts of Covid-19, the Government has the opportunity to deliver the economic stimulus required to deliver a just transition to a low-carbon economy and tackle the climate crisis.   

“This letter to the Government from a vast range of different types of businesses shows that Ecology isn’t alone in making this call and we’re pleased to see the level of interest in collaborative action to support a sustainable green recovery.”

Published: 2 June 2020

Author: Chris Meadows