Ecology Responds To The UK Government’s Clean Growth Strategy

Earlier today the Government published their long awaited Clean Growth Strategy which outlines how the UK meets its fourth and fifth carbon budgets. The Clean Growth Strategy includes proposals to improve the energy efficiency of the UK’s existing housing stock and a commitment to work with mortgage lenders to develop green mortgage products.

Responding to today’s publication of the Clean Growth Strategy, Paul Ellis, Chief Executive, Ecology Building Society said,

“It is positive that the Government recognises the challenges we face in moving to a low carbon future and its intention to move this forward at a time of uncertainty for the UK with the expected exit from the EU.

 “Improving the energy efficiency of our existing housing stock will be critical to help meet our carbon targets and the challenge now is to move beyond statements of ambition and aspiration to practical policies that will deliver.

“We’ve been calling for incentives for homeowners to invest in energy efficiency improvements, such as stamp duty relief and support for green finance, for more than ten years. We already incorporate energy efficiency into our lending decisions and, as an existing provider of green mortgages for renovation and retrofit, we are ready to play our part in ensuring this package of proposals has real impact.”

Published: 12 October 2017

Author: Chris Meadows