In 2017 Ecology Member’s Votes Helped Raise Money for Charity

We’ve donated £900 to international development charity, Practical Action, as a result of members’ voting in our 2017 AGM and choosing to receive future voting packs by email.

Our AGM and Members’ Meet-up took place on Saturday 29 April 2017 at The Station in Bristol. The Station is a former fire station in Bristol city centre, which is operated as a social enterprise by Creative Youth Network and is home to a number of community youth projects. As a mutual, owned by and operated for our members, our members can take part in and vote at the Society’s AGM each year. Voting offers members a chance to participate in making key decisions for the future of the Society.

This year 1297 members voted representing a small increase to just over 16% of eligible members who voted and nearly 54% of those who voted used our online voting service.

We made a charitable donation of 50p for every member who voted online, 20p for each returned qualifying proxy form and £1 for each member who opted to receive future AGM packs by email, which helps us reduce our paper use. As a result we have donated £900 to international development charity, Practical Action.

Practical Action - low res

Pam Waring, Secretary, Ecology Building Society, said,

“We would like to thank all our members who took the time to vote this year. We are proud to continue to support Practical Action and make a donation on behalf our members.”

Paul Smith Lomas, CEO, Practical Action, said,

“We’re delighted as Practical Action to extend our thanks once again to Ecology’s members for supporting our work. We greatly appreciate the support of a company whose values we share so closely”.

Published: 21 July 2017

Author: Chris Meadows