Ecology Champions Ethical Options During UK Savings Week

UK Savings Week

In case you missed it, UK Savings Week took place at the beginning of September.  

The annual initiative is created and run by The Building Societies Association.  

During the week, Ecology used its website and social media channels to:  

  • Thank our existing Savings Members who, over the last 10 years, have helped us to support over 4,500 charity and environmental projects. 
  • Champion ethical savings options like our range of Savings accounts by highlighting that we don’t invest in unsustainable industries like fossil fuels, deforestation and arms. Then we asked people to see if their financial savings provider could say the same. 
  • Raised awareness of the research from UK Savings Week*, which demonstrated that Saving can have a positive short- and long-term impact on your wellbeing. 
  • Provide information about Savings through our Facebook Live Savings Q&A session.  

As well as receiving new followers and spreading our messages to more people, we were delighted that during UK Savings Week we opened more of our Regular Saver accounts than usual.  

Pauline Crawford, Ecology’s Savings Product Manager, said: “It’s great to see more people picking up the Savings habit as a result of UK Savings Week. Research shows that regular saving can have a positive impact on wellbeing. And, when you’re saving ethically, as with Ecology, you can feel even happier knowing you’re supporting sustainable, eco-friendly projects and initiatives across the country.”  

Find out more about our range of Savings products here.

*Evans, J. & Davies, S (2024) Understanding the role of savings in promoting positive wellbeing. Personal Finance Research Centre, University of Bristol 

Published: 25 September 2024

Author: Chris Meadows