Ecology Building Society Annual General Meeting 2018

Our 2018 AGM and Members’ Meet up was held on Saturday 28 April at The Priory Rooms, Quaker Meeting House,  in Birmingham.

The event provides an opportunity for members to meet the Ecology team and share their views on our work as well as having a direct input into our policies and practices.

As well as the formal AGM business, members’ heard about our plans to invest in our digital capability and how different materials and building approaches can help us address the housing crisis while tackling climate change. We also shared the key findings from our recent Members’ Survey, which we’ll be publishing here soon. These show that members strongly agree with what Ecology stands for – our policies, values and memorandum.

Voting results:
1To receive the Annual Report and Accounts1167121620
2To re-appoint KPMG LLP9741556719
3To approve the Directors' Remuneration Report for the year ended 31 December 20171072715022
4.1To re-elect ANDREW JOHN GOLD1121433516
4.2To re-elect STEVEN JOHN ROUND1125383814
4.3To elect VINCENT DAMIAN SMITH1129363614

Overall voting turnout was 15.62% – a slight decrease from last year, and 51% used our online voting service which helps us reduce the amount of paper we use. We’re always trying to get more members involved in voting, if you’re a voting member, please use your democratic power in 2019!

During the ‘Ask the Directors’ element of the AGM, Directors responded to questions from the floor as well as  pre-submitted questions from members – here are some of the Q&As.

We have received lots of positive feedback from members about the day. Feedback from one member: ‘Thank you for a really interesting and informative day –  I feel much more part of the Society now.’

And, another member commented: ‘I liked the structure of the day and the significant opportunities for networking amongst people with a common perspective.’

Thank you to everyone who gave feedback on the AGM. We read every form and your suggestions will be used to help us deliver better events in future.

You can find the meeting minutes here.

Some of the Directors answering questions during the AGM. Paul Ellis, CEO (right), Alison Vipond (middle) and Pam Waring (Deputy CEO and Finance Director) (right).
Barbara Jones (right), Director of Straw Works and Principal of the School of Natural Building and Rosemary Coyne (middle), co-ordinator of the Sustainable Housing Action Partnership and part of the Energiesprong UK market development team discuss how different materials and building approaches can help tackle climate change. The session was chaired by Ian Rigarlsford (left), External Affairs Manager at Ecology.

Published: 23 May 2018

Author: Chris Meadows