Ecology Building Society Annual General Meeting 2012

We took our Annual General Meeting on the road once again this year, with The Rivergreen Centre in Durham playing host. As usual, the day comprised of our formal AGM business in the morning, followed by a range of guest presentations and a lively members’ Open Forum in the afternoon.

We were delighted to welcome Ginnie Shaw as special guest. Ginnie is one of our long-standing members and an original Foundation Share holder. She spoke in support of a special resolution to change the Society’s Rules to enable us to raise more investment capital, to build on our success.

The formal AGM business was closed with a presentation to retiring Director and former EBS Chair Janet Slade, who we all wish well, with grateful thanks for her time and commitment to the Society.

In the afternoon session, members heard from Chris Newman of Parity Projects on improving the energy efficiency of our homes, and from EBS member Andrew Gill, who provided an informative and humorous assessment of his own project, upgrading a solid walled terraced house in Manchester.

In contrast, Hermione Taylor, founder of The DoNation, challenged members to commit to making carbon saving lifestyle choices and join her efforts to create a widespread change towards more sustainable behaviour.

Despite one or two technical hitches on the day, the debates and questions were lively and thanks to all concerned for coping with some unexpected lighting and sound shortcomings!

In between sessions, delegates browsed our Green Market, with local stalls ranging from nursery plants to renewables, and enjoyed a really fine vegetarian hot buffet lunch and a guided tour of the Centre.

Voting results

To receive the Auditors' Report1,12416201
To receive the Directors' Report, Annual Accounts and Annual Business Statement for the year ended 31 December 20111,12023171
To pass an Ordinary Resolution to appoint KPMG Audit Plc as auditors until the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting1,00989621
To pass an Ordinary Resolution to approve the Directors' remuneration Report for the year ended 31 December 20111,01680641
To consider, and if thought fit, pass the following resolution: That the Rules of the Society be amended in the manner specified in the document produced to the meeting and initialled by the Chair for the purposes of identification981481311
To re-elect/elect as Directors1
To re-elect David Black1,07755281
To elect Adam Matthew Dudley Clark1,08936351
To re-elect Mark Robert Jones1,07950311
Your Feedback

Thank you to everyone who gave feedback on the Conference – comments included:

I feel good belonging to an organisation that really cares

The lectures were, as usual, informative and interesting, marred

somewhat by having to struggle to hear!

Catering excellent – didn’t attend for the food, but how lovely to have such lovely gluten free food

The Board are refreshingly open and approachable

Brilliant to get insight into the working of a building society

A map for walkers would have been useful, rather a long walk from the station – would have been horrible if it had rained!

I tell as many people as I can about the Society, as I’m very glad to be a member, and hope to encourage others to join

More presentations by members please

Published: 28 April 2012

Author: Chris Meadows