AGM And Members’ Meet-up 2022

In April, we were delighted to open the doors to members for our AGM and Members’ Meet-up. Following two years of meetings being held behind closed doors and virtual-only, this year’s event was held at the iconic Mildmay Club – a ‘working mens club’ in the heart of Stoke Newington which was founded in 1888 and being part-refurbished with the support of an Ecology mortgage.

We welcomed an eclectic mix of expert speakers, including carbon footprint expert and author of There is No Planet B, Mike Berners-Lee, as well as Paul Allen from the Centre for Alternative Technology and Jo Hand, founder of carbon footprint app, Giki Zero. Hosted by journalist and community-led housing advocate, Peg Alexander, speakers and audience explored our theme for this year’s event: supporting the UK’s efforts to reach net-zero.

Alongside the formal AGM business, ‘Ask the Director’ session, and speaker presentations, the event was an opportunity to say goodbye to our CEO of 26 years, Paul Ellis, and to Steve Round who has served as Chair of the Board for seven years.

We were pleased to again be able to offer members the chance to participate in the AGM element of the day via our online dedicated meeting and voting platform. All resolutions were approved, with voting turnout at 14.8% which is slightly lower than 2021 (16.9%).

We raised £675 for charity Trees for Cities as a result of members’ voting at this year’s AGM.

The voting results are as follows:

ForFor %AgainstWithheld
1To receive the Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 31 December 2021151199.47%812
2To re-appoint BDO LLP as auditors142996.23%5646
3To approve the Directors' Remuneration Report for the year ended 31 December 2021143195.66%6535
Supporting information

AGM 2022 presentation

How can we deliver net zero?

Making our homes fit for the future

Responses to Ask the Directors questions

Minutes of AGM 2022

Some photos of the day
Ecology’s AGM at the Mildmay Club

Members enjoying the AGM at the iconic Mildmay Club in Stoke Newington

Paul Ellis (left) and Steve Round (right). Paul stepped down as CEO after more than 40 years of involvement with Ecology and Steve stepped down after seven years as Chair of Ecology
(From left) Mike Berners-Lee, Jo Hand and Paul Allen discuss how we can deliver net zero with Peg Alexander, Event host (right)
Helen Bartlett, Brighton & Hove Community Land Trust and Tom Campbell, Mildmay Club discuss the benefits of Ecology’s sustainable lending with Peg Alexander
Louse Pryor, Chair of Ecology, wraps up the day

Published: 22 June 2022

Author: Chris Meadows