It’s a record year for our growth and profits.

We’ve announced record profits of more than £1m for the first time, for the year ending 31 December 2018, showing that a better way to do finance is sustainable, principled and profitable.

Highlights of the 2018 results include:

  • Record profit after tax of £1.022m (2017: £0.915m).
  • Gross lending of £38.4m (2017: £28.2m)
  • Stable total assets of £177.9m (2017: £178.7m)
  • Savings balances at £166.0m (2017: £167.8m)


In 2018 Ecology lent over £38.4m for sustainable properties and projects, with 82% of mortgages advanced on residential properties (including new builds, renovations and shared ownership) and 18% on community-led housing (including charities, community land trusts and housing co-operatives) and non-residential properties such as sustainable businesses.

The results build on more than 35 years of uninterrupted profitability demonstrating that values-based and purpose-driven finance is successful in the long-term. The profit adds to Ecology’s capital base, increasing its financial strength and enhancing its ability to further grow its lending, which delivers a positive impact on the environment and communities, as well as enabling further investment in the digital capability that will enable the Society to better serve its growing membership.

Throughout 2018 Ecology maintained its commitment to ethical business practices. They are the first building society to be awarded the Fair Tax Mark for responsible tax behaviour and continue to reduce their own environmental impact as well as supporting environmental lending.

Commenting on the results, Chief Executive Paul Ellis said:

“Our continued growth and record results show that finance that benefits people and planet can be profitable. 

“The recent Extinction Rebellion protests and Greta Thunberg’s visit to London have put the spotlight on the need for urgent action to tackle the climate emergency.

“Our members have long recognised the need for finance to combat climate change and they can be confident that their money is helping to support the transition to a low-carbon economy. 

 “We’ve been providing sustainable mortgages for more than thirty years, offering innovative discounts that base our mortgage rates on a property’s climate impact, and incentivising the most energy efficient homes and projects. Initiatives such as the European Energy Efficiency Mortgage scheme (EEM), of which Ecology is a participant, and the Government’s interest in green mortgages are positive signs of growing interest in our model.”

 “We have a strong pipeline of lending opportunities which will enable us to continue to grow our mortgage book throughout 2019 while maintaining our commitment to our core principles of sustainability.”

For more details of Ecologys’ results please see our 2018 Annual Review, which also includes details of the positive impact of our lending or our Annual Report and Accounts.

Ecology’s AGM and Members’ Meet-up took place on Saturday 27 April at our offices in Silsden, West Yorkshire. An update on the meeting will be provided soon.

Published: 3 May 2019

Author: Chris Meadows