In a young person’s name (16-17 years old)
An account can be opened by a young person aged 16 or 17 with a cheque or a payment from an account in their name.
Alternatively, a parent or relative can provide:
- a cheque (drawn on their own personal current account);
- a bank or building society cheque (supported by an investment account statement from the relevant bank or building society); or
- a bank transfer from an account.
A covering letter must also be provided confirming the money is being given to the young person and how they are related.
We will need to verify the identity and address of the young person. For details of how this is done, please read the Savings account identification requirements leaflet.
On behalf of a child (as a trustee)
An account can be opened by a parent or relative as a trustee for a child of any age if the parent or relative makes an initial deposit from an account held in their name. Applicants (the parents or relatives) must each have their identity verified in accordance with the information provided in the Savings account identification requirements leaflet specified for individual’s identification requirements. The application should be accompanied by a Birth/Adoption certificate (original only), NHS Medical Card or National Insurance notification letter.