Open an account for a young person (16-17 years old) or on behalf of a child

In a young person’s name (16-17 years old)

An account can be opened by a young person aged 16 or 17 with a cheque or a payment from an account in their name.

Alternatively, a parent or relative can provide:

  • a cheque (drawn on their own personal current account);
  • a bank or building society cheque (supported by an investment account statement from the relevant bank or building society); or
  • a bank transfer from an account.

A covering letter must also be provided confirming the money is being given to the young person and how they are related.

We will need to verify the identity and address of the young person.  For details of how this is done, please read the Savings account identification requirements leaflet.

On behalf of a child (as a trustee)

An account can be opened by a parent or relative as a trustee for a child of any age if the parent or relative makes an initial deposit from an account held in their name. Applicants (the parents or relatives) must each have their identity verified in accordance with the information provided in the Savings account identification requirements leaflet specified for individual’s identification requirements. The application should be accompanied by a Birth/Adoption certificate (original only), NHS Medical Card or National Insurance notification letter.

How to apply if you are under 18 years old

Young person (16-17 years old)

An account can be opened by a young person aged 16-17 years with a cheque or bank transfer from an account in their name.  You must complete an application form and send it to us.  See the section on 'How to apply' below.

Alternatively, a parent/guardian or relative can open an account on the behalf (and in the name of a young person (16-17 years old) with either:

    • a cheque (drawn on their own personal current account);
    • a bank or building society cheque (supported by an investment account statement); or
    • a bank transfer.

A covering letter that confirms the relation to the young person and declares that the money will indeed be used by the young person must also be provided during the application. We will need to verify the identity and address of the young person. For details of how this is done, please read the Savings account identification leaflet.


Child (under 16 years old)

An account can be opened by a parent/guardian or relative as a trustee for a child under the age of 16 years if the parent/guardian or relative makes an initial deposit from an account held in their name.

Applicants (the parents/guardians or relatives) must have their identity verified in accordance with the information provided in the Savings account identification requirements leaflet. Birth/Adoption certificate (original only), NHS Medical Card or National Insurance notification letter must also be provided during application.


How to apply for an Easy Access account

Step 1.
Please read all the documents on the right before applying

Step 2.
Tick the box to download the Easy Access application and Direct Debit forms

Step 3.
Post your Easy Access application and Direct Debit forms to us - please note, scanned copies are not accepted

Please note our identification requirements
list in case we request more information 

Please read these documents and tick the box below to download the application form

How we pay interest

Interest will be credited to your account on 31 December each year

An annual statement will be sent to you in January

For details of our interest rates please read Current savings rates and charges

If requested, interest can be paid direct into your bank account in January each year (minimum £25) or to another account with the Society

We may vary the interest rate on your account from time to time – please see Saving with Ecology – general terms and conditions for more details

Operating an account: withdrawals

Withdrawals must be for a specified amount unless the account is to be closed

The minimum withdrawal amount is £5

If a withdrawal would take the account balance below the required amount to keep the account open (£25), the account will have to be closed

Withdrawals can be requested by using a Withdrawal notification form or by sending us a letter signed by whoever is authorised to operate the account

Withdrawals can also be requested online via our Interactive facility (restrictions apply)

Operating an account: deposits

The minimum deposit is £5

You can save monthly by Direct Debit or standing order (the minimum amount payable by Direct Debit is £10)

Deposits can be made by cheque through the post or by transfer via the banking system

For home renovations: C-Change retrofit discount

For homes needing extensive renovations / energy efficiency improvements: C-Change retrofit

The C-Change retrofit scheme offers a discount of 0.25% from our Standard Variable Rate for each rating improvement in your home's Energy Performance Certificate (EPC). This could be either its Energy Efficiency or Environmental Impact rating - whichever is the highest.

For example, if either EPC rating improves from E to C after the works to the property are completed, a discount of 0.50% will be available on the whole of the mortgage, for the duration of the loan. The discounts are deducted from our Standard Variable Rate (currently 4.90% - the overall cost for comparison is 5.1% APRC).

Energy Standard


Small title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque dapibus nec urna quis vehicula. Nulla felis sem, convallis a risus in, lacinia pellentesque arcu. In aliquam tellus libero,

Small title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque dapibus nec urna quis vehicula. Nulla felis sem, convallis a risus in, lacinia pellentesque arcu. In aliquam tellus libero,



Small Title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque dapibus nec urna quis vehicula. Nulla felis sem, convallis a risus in, lacinia pellentesque arcu. In aliquam tellus libero,

Small Title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque dapibus nec urna quis vehicula. Nulla felis sem, convallis a risus in, lacinia pellentesque arcu. In aliquam tellus libero,



Small Title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque dapibus nec urna quis vehicula. Nulla felis sem, convallis a risus in, lacinia pellentesque arcu. In aliquam tellus libero,

Small Title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque dapibus nec urna quis vehicula. Nulla felis sem, convallis a risus in, lacinia pellentesque arcu. In aliquam tellus libero,

Discount %


Small Title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque dapibus nec urna quis vehicula. Nulla felis sem, convallis a risus in, lacinia pellentesque arcu. In aliquam tellus libero,

Small Title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque dapibus nec urna quis vehicula. Nulla felis sem, convallis a risus in, lacinia pellentesque arcu. In aliquam tellus libero,

Variable Mortgage Rate

3.65%. The overall cost for comparison is 5.1% APRC

Small Title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque dapibus nec urna quis vehicula. Nulla felis sem, convallis a risus in, lacinia pellentesque arcu. In aliquam tellus libero,

Small Title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque dapibus nec urna quis vehicula. Nulla felis sem, convallis a risus in, lacinia pellentesque arcu. In aliquam tellus libero,

For new builds and existing energy efficient homes: C-Changes sustainable homes discount

Our C-Change sustainable homes discount applies to new and existing energy efficient homes and extensive retrofits using the Passivhaus EnerPHit methodology. Once your build is complete, you need to provide an Energy Standard certificate and Architect/Building Control certificate for us to apply the Sustainable C-Change discount. The discount is applied from the date we receive all the required documentation and is based on the Energy Standard rating the property achieves.


Energy StandardRatingsSVR (Standard Variable Rate)Discount %Variable Mortgage Rate
PassivhausPassivhaus6.29%1.50%4.79%. The overall cost for comparison is 5.0% APRC
PassivhausPHPP Modelled6.29%0.75%5.54%. The overall cost for comparison is 5.8% APRC
Energy Performance Certificate (EPC)A (SAP rating 110+) (++)6.29%1.25%5.04%. The overall cost for comparison is 5.2% APRC
Energy Performance Certificate (EPC)A (SAP rating 100-109) (+)6.29%1.00%5.29%. The overall cost for comparison is 5.5% APRC
Energy Performance Certificate (EPC)A (SAP rating 92-99)6.29%0.75%5.54%. The overall cost for comparison is 5.8% APRC
Energy Performance Certificate (EPC)B (SAP rating 88-91)6.29%0.50%5.79%. The overall cost for comparison is 6.0% APRC
Association for Environment Conscious Building (AECB)AECB CarbonLite Building Standard6.29%1.00%5.29%. The overall cost for comparison is 5.5% APRC