Key Features
- Variable interest rate of 2.35% gross* p.a./AER**
- Available to small groups and charities
- The minimum amount to open a Treasurers' Deposit account is £25
- The maximum investment is £500,000
- No-notice withdrawals
- View your account and send secure messages via our online service (restrictions apply)
- Deposits can be made via bank transfer, Direct Debit or by cheque through the post
- You can also save monthly by Direct Debit or standing order
- Interest payable on 31 December
- Statements issued annually in January
- Limited to one account per group/charity
- This Deposit account has no voting rights
*Gross is the interest rate without tax deducted.
**AER stands for Annual Equivalent Rate and provides a means of comparing interest rates by showing what the rate would be if interest was paid and added once a year.