Key Features
- Interest rates are variable at 0.60% below Bank of England Base Rate (BoEBR) for balances up to £50,000 and 0.40% below BoEBR for funds in excess of £50,000.
- Interest rates are 4.15% (for up to £50,000) and 4.35% (for £50,001+)
- Minimum interest rate guarantee of 1.00% gross* /AER**
- The minimum amount to open a SIPP is £5,000
- The minimum deposit and balance to keep an account open is £250
- Funds will only be accepted from the Scheme Administrator
- No notice withdrawals
- Interest payable on 31 December
- Statements issued annually in January to the Scheme Administrator and if requested to the beneficiary
- This Deposit account has no voting rights
*We pay all savings interest gross, which means that no tax is deducted. Tax rules may change in future.
**AER stands for Annual Equivalent Rate and provides a means of comparing interest rates by showing what the rate would be if interest was paid and added once a year.