You can make payments into your account by bank transfer, transfer from another Ecology account and Standing Order.
Please see our General Savings Terms and Conditions for more information and Product Specific Conditions.
If you want to transfer funds direct via Faster Payments or CHAPS, your bank will need the following details:
• Destination sort code: 08 90 72
• Destination account number: 70361591
• Account name: Payee name
• Reference: quote your 10 digit Ecology account number
If your account number is not quoted, the payment will be returned.
Transferring money from a Co-operative Bank account?
The above details are for a collection account that we hold with the Co-operative Bank. Please note, if you hold an account with the Co-operative Bank and are using their online facility to transfer funds into your Ecology account, you will need to use the Co-operative’s ‘bill payment‘ function. This is because it will allow you to quote a reference when making your transfer; without a reference, we may be unable to pay the money into your Ecology account.