Our C-Change discounts

For new builds: C-Change sustainable homes discount
Energy Standard
RatingsBuy-to-let Variable RateDiscount %Variable Mortgage Rate
PassivhausPHPP Modelled6.79%0.75%6.04%
Energy Performance Certificate (EPC)A++ (SAP rating 110+)
Energy Performance Certificate (EPC)A+ (SAP rating 100-109)6.79%1.00%5.79%
Energy Performance Certificate (EPC)A (SAP rating 92-99)6.79%0.75%6.04%
Energy Performance Certificate (EPC)B (SAP rating 88-91)6.79%0.50%6.29%
Association for Environment Conscious Building (AECB)AECB CarbonLite Building Standard6.79%1.00%5.79%
For whole house renovations: C-Change retrofitRatingsBuy-to-let Variable RateDiscountVariable Mortgage Rate
Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) for retrofit projects EPC rating improvement4.90%0.25% per grading improvement4.65% - 3.40%
C-Change energy improvement discountRatingsBuy-to-let Variable RateDiscountVariable Mortgage Rate
For specific energy improvements worksEvidenced via invoices and our C-Change energy improvement checklist***6.79%A 1.00% discount is applied on funds borrowed specifically for qualifying energy improvement works (see C-Change energy improvement checklist***)5.79% *
6.79% **

* on funds borrowed specifically for qualifying energy improvement works
** for funds borrowed that are not related to qualifying energy improvement works to the property
*** C-Change energy improvement checklist